Python 3 support and other news

  1. Python 3 support now arrived to PyHumod, our pythonic API to Huawei and compatible GSM modems.
  2. Project site and repository moved to Github. See also brushed up documentation and improved website. If you use PyHumod please fork us, give PyHumod a star or watch for updates.
  3. Lots of new features and bug fixes.
New features include (presently under humod/
  • ability to show system info in one go (operator, roaming status, signal strenght, SIM status etc)
  • simple GSM0338 decoder for those who don't read bytes
  • multipart message concatenation, which we hope to integrate into modem.sms_list()
  • show IMSI
  • show operator
  • show phone number (works with some SIMs)
  • phone number formatting
  • SMS time to python datetime
We hope to integrate these better into PyHumod to provide a first class API.